Secretary Mnuchin Pledges Direct Aid Payments to Americans

Expects next round of relief to model CARES act.

Treasury Secretary Steven Munchin announced on Wednesday that he had coordinated with members of Congress to assure that both members of both political parties would agree on a $1,200 stimulus check to be sent to eligible Americans in the next COVID-19 relief bill. The negotiations on the next round of relief have been stalled for months as legislation passed in the House has not been taken up in the Senate. 

According to the Treasury Secretary, the next round of relief would be “similar” to the first round that was distributed through the CARES act. Under the CARES act individuals making under $75,000 per year, or married couples with a combined income of under $150,000 per year were eligible to receive $1,200 per person. An additional $500 per dependant was also included in the bill.

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • That Congress would cooperate to bring financial relief to Americans.
  • For Secretary Mnuchin to be used by God to help Americans regain financial stability.
  • For the president’s administration as they work to help the nation recover from the coronavirus crisis. 

Sources: Newsweek, AP, CNN


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